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Conference Information: 

  • Call for Proposals - click here to submit a proposal

  • Agenda  and  Conference Program (coming soon)​

    • Wednesday, September 20 :  Conference sessions continue in the morning, business meeting in the afternoon

    • Tuesday, September 19 :         Conference sessions begin

    • Monday, September 18 :         IPEDS workshop (requires separate registration - more information below)

  • Event Center Address

    • 1622 Washington St Suite 300, Vicksburg, MS 39180

  • Accommodations​

    • ​We’ve partnered with the beautiful Mulberry Hotel, which is a short 5 minute walk to the conference location. 
      The MAIR group rate is $129/night.  To reserve, call-in to 601-301-2500 to receive the group rate.
      These discounted rates are available Sunday night, September 17th through Tuesday night, September 19th. 


IPEDS Workshop:


  • Title:   Beyond Compliance:  How to Use IPEDS Data to Examine Student and Institutional Success

  • Date/Time:  September 18, 2023  -  8:30am-4:30pm

  • This workshop is designed for individuals interested in utilizing IPEDS data to examine and measure student and institutional success. The first half of the workshop explores the five IPEDS surveys that contain academic performance metrics (Completions, Graduation Rates, 200% Graduation Rates, Fall Enrollment, and Outcome Measures).  Through group discussion, activities, and lectures, participants will learn what the measurements can—and cannot—tell us about student and institutional performance. The second half of the workshop will involve hands-on activities to work through a series of case studies based on real-life scenarios. Participants will identify the question being asked in each case study; determine the best metric(s) to use to answer the question; extract data using the IPEDS tools; perform analyses; and present the data to answer the question.  Participants will gain the knowledge needed to explore and answer questions at their institutions or organizations.

  • Note: Participants are required to bring a MAC or PC laptop with wireless capability and Microsoft Excel.

  • The workshops is limited to 45 participants and seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Seat confirmations are delivered via email on a rolling basis approximately 3 business days after an online seat registration is submitted.

  • Questions? Email:

  • To register for this workshop please use this link: AIR/MAIR Beyond Compliance: How to Use IPEDS Data to Examine Student and Institutional Success



Conference Registration/Fee:

  • Your conference registration fee ($125) includes MAIR membership.

  • Click here to register! 



*If paying by credit card, register by completing the conference registration form and then use the PayPal function.  After registering, please make sure you click on the PayPal link to pay via the web.  

*If paying by check, please register by completing the conference registration form, send a check made out to "Mississippi Association for Institutional Research", and a print out of the confirmation to Chrisa Mansell using the information below:


Kate Failing
Mississippi Delta Community College

PO Box 668
Moorhead, MS 38761


Phone: 662-246-6264




2023 MAIR Conference

-Inform and Empower-

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) WERX
Vicksburg, MS

September 18-20, 2023

Gold Sponsors:

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Condensed Concourse Syllabus Full Color (1) (002).png

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors:

Last updated August 18, 2024. Click here to contact the webmaster.

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